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// ==UserScript== // @name [] Stream (WebTorrent) // @namespace PXgamer // @version 0.1 // @description Allows the streaming of media on WorldWideTorrents // @author PXgamer // @include ** // @require // @require // @grant none // ==/UserScript== window.torrentStreamer = { cat: null, hash: null, client: null, torr: null, init: function() { = $('.category_id_bar').text(); this.hash = $('.torrent_hash_value').text(); this.torr = '' + this.hash; this.client = new WebTorrent(); }, append: function() { $('#tabContainer div ul.tabs').append('<li><a href="#stream">Media Stream</a></li>'); $('#tabContainer .tabscontent').append('<div class="tabpage" id="stream"><div id="torrent-stream-media-player"></div></div>'); }, setup: function() { this.client.add(this.torr, function (torrent) { torrent.files[0].appendTo('#torrent-stream-media-player', {'autoplay': false}); }); } }; (function() { 'use strict'; window.torrentStreamer.init(); window.torrentStreamer.append(); window.torrentStreamer.setup(); })();